Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!

I would like to say "Happy Father's Day" on Sunday to all the wonderful father's in my life. There are many of them, but I would like to focus on three.

First of all my wonderful husband Curtis. This guy is awesome!! I knew from the first time he came around my family he was going to be an amazing dad. When I met Curtis, he hadn't been around little kids much, but when we started dating I had six little nieces and nephews. They all fell in love with him instantly. He gets on the floor and he plays with them, and throws them in the air, and spins them around and they love him!!!

Curtis was amazing with Zachary right from the start. Zachary is so much like his daddy, and I cannot wait for him to get older and truly appreciate his dad for what he is.

Curtis, I love you with all my heart. Thank you for giving me Zachary and I cannot wait for more just like him. I am so blessed to have found you. Heavenly Father knew I needed you, and I am grateful to him for sending you to me. Thank you for being a great daddy to our Zachary!!

Next comes my dad. I think the greatest thing my dad ever taught me was the value of hard work. He has worked SO hard for most of his life. He would leave for work at seven in the morning and not come home until seven at night. This made him not be home much, but he provided for his family. I bet he will be the first to tell you it isn't easy to provide for eight kids, but he did it without complaint every day.
Him and my mom have also taught me something else these past few months. My dad is in construction and we all know how good that is doing in this sucky economy. Well, he has been without a job since February. There has hardly been a morning when I have dropped Zachary off at my parent's house that my dad hasn't been on the computer looking for a job. I know my parent's are scared about what the future holds, but they have FAITH that everything will work out for them. They have taught me that during the hard times, all we have is FAITH, and we need to hold onto that. I love you, Dad!

Last, but certainly not least, is Curtis' dad. He is my wonderful "second" dad. I am thankful to him and Debbie for raising Curtis to be the person that he is, and I am grateful Zachary shares a birthday with his Grandpa.

I also want to say Happy Father's Day to my Grandpa Sirstins who passed away October 6th of last year. I miss him terribly, but I know he is watching out for us.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea for a post! I love your new layout on the blog too, very cute. :)
